Essential Phone has reportedly sold 5,000 units so far

The Essential Phone has now been available for a little over a month, and some folks may be wondering how the premium smartphone from a new company is selling. If a new report is accurate, the answer may be “not well.”

Essential has sold 5,000 Essential Phones since its debut, according to the firm BayStreet Research. That number refers to the number of devices consumers have bought from retailers, not the number of units retails have bought from a manufacturer.

BayStreet came to its estimate by tracking shipments of phones and other devices across the U.S.

When asked about this report, Essential didn’t respond.

While the number reported by BayStreet is an estimate, it’s certainly possible that sales of the Essential Phone haven’t been great. Most U.S. consumers buy their phones from their carrier, and Sprint is the only carrier offering the Essential Phone in the U.S. And even on Sprint, the Essential Phone is facing stiff competition from the likes of Samsung and Apple.

For everyone else, they have to plunk down $700 for a device from a brand new manufacturer, which is a tough ask for some people.

Have you bought an Essential Phone? If so, what do you think of it so far?

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