Nexus 6 discovered to have RGB LED on its face

The Nexus 6 comes with a feature called Ambient Display that’ll show you your notifications with a black and white display when you pick the phone up. That’s one way to get alerts, but may other folks may be used to a notification LED, which is simple, configurable and uses little battery. Well, it turns out that the N6 has one of those two.

It’s been discovered that the Nexus 6 has an RGB LED hidden inside of its top front-facing speaker. It’s not clear why Google and Motorola have the feature disabled, but it’s there. 

What’s more, you can activate this LED if you’d like to. It will take some tinkering around with the command line, though. You’ll need to root your Nexus 6 and then follow the instructions shared by the developer of Lightflow, the popular Android app that lets you customize your device’s LED.

The Nexus 6’s Ambient Display is likely going to be enough of a notification feature for many users, but I’m sure that there are a few folks that’d prefer to use this LED to notify them of alerts. If you’re a part of that group, be sure to let us know if you get this tweak working for you!

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