What did you get this year?

As I write this, I’m watching my social media streams fill up with pictures and well wishes. This is the time of year, probably now more than ever, that I’m inundated with before-and-after images. It makes sense, though! A lot of folks put a lot of work into making their displays of presents for their loved ones, little ones, and sometimes just acquaintances look amazing. But the end result is always the same:

A mess of paper and boxes, discarded haphazardly so that the new owners can get their hands on what’s inside.

Today’s the culmination of weeks upon weeks, sometimes even months, of preparation and shopping. When you finally get to (hopefully) cross off items from your wish list. And let’s face it, mobile devices have become a huge part of the yearly routine. People love ‘em. And they should! The phones released this year have been some of the best ever, and even the tablet market saw some great additions to the niche!

I have no doubt that a lot of devices this year went on someone’s wish list out there, and I genuinely hope that everyone out there got what they wanted. And what they may have needed.

We did see a lot of devices launch this year, didn’t we? From iOS, to Android to Windows Phone, we covered the gamut of screen sizes and resolutions, processors, and even colors. More than that, though, as we neared the end of the year we saw the compulsory reaction of companies and merchants all over the world: deals! Sales and price cuts all over the place. Some companies did it more than others, and some just refused to let their deals go away.

I can’t help but look at Motorola here. I wrote recently that I wanted them to keep the sales price of their Moto X, as they were offering a total of $150 off the total price with a special promotion they ran a couple of days this month. It was supposed to only be a day, but technology happened and they had to reboot the deal for two separate days. They offered it again through special instances, like TV shows, and they even put it up as a general sale again only four days ago. Motorola really wanted you to take advantage of that sale.

Sales are what we wait for this time of year, so that a device that may have been out of reach a few weeks before becomes attainable. I didn’t take part in any deals within the mobile industry, but I did get my hands on a new tablet for my daughters this holiday season. I picked up Amazon’s Kindle Fire HD. For myself, I kept things really simple: new apps and games. My favorite right now? Halfbrick Studios’s new release, Colossatron: Massive World Threat. I’m having way too much fun with that game.

But, enough about me. I want to know what you got for Christmas, when it comes to the mobile industry. I want to know if you got yourself, someone you know, or someone got you something like a new phone, tablet, or even a gift card to your favorite mobile OS’s app store. Let me know what you got this holiday season!

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