MyGlass iOS app for Google Glass briefly shows up in App Store

After originally launching on Android way back in mid-April, the official MyGlass app for Google Glass finally made its way to iOS today. The MyGlass app for iOS features much of the same functionality as its Android counterpart, allowing users to set up their Glass eyewear, install Glassware apps, mirror Glass's display on the paired iPhone's screen and more.

The MyGlass app itself is a free download, but obviously it won't do much without a Google Glass unit to connect to. Google is currently offering Glass units to testers as part of its Glass Explorer program ahead of a consumer launch that's expected to go down in 2014. Each Google Glass unit costs $1,500.

Interestingly, the MyGlass app appears to have been yanked from the App Store less than an hour after it first went live. It's not clear if the app was pulled because it was launched prematurely, because of some last-minute bug discovery or something else entirely. Stay tuned and I'll update you with more details as we get 'em. Here's to hoping that the app doesn't take long to make its way back onto Apple's virtual shelves so that iPhone users can become Explorers too.

Via 9to5Mac, App Store: MyGlass

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