Is phone insurance worth the money?

Have you ever broken a cell phone? I have. And when it happened I can tell you that I was one very unhappy camper - initially. When you're staring at the spider webbed glass of what has been one of your most prized possesses for the past however many months, yeah, you can say that your heart is pretty much sunk at that point. Fleeting thoughts of "Oh no", "What am I going to do?" and "Why me?" all went through my head. Only after that thought sunk in did I realize that hey, you know what? It's okay. I have insurance. It's all good.

That sounds eerily similar to a commercial for car insurance, but rest assured it isn't, and that really is my own account of exactly what time not knowing where my phone actually is. But in the end, how often do these occurences really happen? And is it really that important to keep insurance on your phone?

I do find myself surprised sometimes when people say that they don't carry insurance on their device. Phones are unpredictable little buggers. You have the obvious occasions where you know that your phone is doomed (being run over by a vehicle, being chucked in the deep end of a large body of water, that kinda thing) and you might come out lucky, and then you have the occasions where you're sure you're fine and your phone ends up looking like it's been through three wars and a dragon invasion just from being dropped on the carpet. You're not sure how it happened, but it did, and that's why I always think it's a good idea to carry insurance. You never know what is going to happen to your phone or when.

But then you have the argument that you're spending all of that money every month with the possibility of it never actually breaking. In that case, it can seem like you're wasting a lot of money, particularly if you have a good track record of never having anything bad happen to your phone. But rest assured, just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't happen, and someday you may need that insurance to help reduce the cost of the phone. However, the point has been made that if you are one to have a good track record of never having anything bad happen to your phone, you might be saving money by purchasing a full price device if anything happened to your first one.

I suppose it really depends on the person. I have the firm belief that anything that can go wrong will go wrong, at least eventually. Personally, I have such a hard time keeping track of my phone as it is that insurance is probably the smarter option for me. I have had to use it at least three times that I can remember, probably more. I would think that insurance is worth the money in the end to anybody, if for nothing else to give a person peace of mind knowing that if their phone bites the dust they're not going to have to pay out the wazoo for a replacement device.

But now I'm asking you, readers: Do you think that insurance is worth it? Why or why not? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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