Featured user review BlackBerry Z10 2-25-13

Another awesome week of voting in the Official Smartphone Rankings sent the BlackBerry Z10 to the top of the charts for a second time.  By a margin of 31 votes, the race was much closer this week, but the BlackBerry Z10 still holds the first featured user review of the week.

"Some apps missing but I sideloaded Android apps and it's perfect" By REDSCIC on February 25, 2013

It's the most amazing device ever. I get all features of BlackBerry that I love. Plus, I also get to be able to install Android apps! I used to have a BlackBerry before and I simply loved universal-inbox in it. The only reason I had gotten another phone was because it had slow and bad browser. So, when I got a BlackBerry from work, I gave up my personal BB and switched to iPhone. What a crippling experience that was. All those things that I took for granted, thought were basic features were NOT there on iPhone!! Now, I am back to BlackBerry! Amazing browser, all apps, and the best of all HUB (same thing as universal inbox of older BlackBerry). The world makes sense again! I am in a happy place now.

Display 5/5
Battery Life 4/5
Apps & Media Support 3/5
Reception & Call Quality 5/5
Design/Form Factor 5/5

Overall 4.4

Official Smartphone Rankings™, vote now then leave a review.  

Do you have the BlackBerry Z10 yet?  Tell us about it!



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