Apple and Motorola discussing arbitration as a way to settle patent lawsuit

Not long after Apple and HTC managed to reach a settlement that resolved its patent disputes, a new filing has revealed that Apple and Motorola may also be interested in quickly ending the legal tiff between them. According to a filing unearthed by Bloomberg, the two companies have been discussing using binding arbitration to come to a licensing agreement on standard essential patents, which could lead to a settlement of all of Apple and Motorola's disputes. Apple said in the filing that it's "interested in resolving its dispute with Motorola completely" and that arbitration may be the best way to do that.

If Apple and Motorola do agree to go the arbitration route, an unbiased third party would be chosen to participate in a hearing at which both companies could present evidence, and then the third party would make a decision that Apple and Motorola would follow. While Apple and Motorola have thrown quite a few legal blows in the past, it sounds like they may be interested in winding down this case, which is exciting news for anyone that's grown tired of the patent battles in mobile. More on this as we get it.

Via MacRumors, Bloomberg

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