Featured user review Nokia Lumia 900 9-6-12

A day after Nokia announces two new devices in the Lumia 820 and 920, we feature the 900 as it is still popular with the masses.

"I'm lovin this device!" By VISHAL PONUGOTI on July 24, 2012

I live in India, and the Lumia 900 is not officially out here. So, I ordered it off Amazon (intl shipping). I love this phone so much. I actually sold a SIII that I got as a birthday present to buy this instead. It's not really the phone that mattered the most to me, it was the software. I can't tell you how smooth this OS is, there's just simply nothing like it. Though the Marketplace (which is where you find apps on the Windows Phone) is overlooked by people using Android and iOS, it's not what most think. I mean, even I'd thought about it, but once I received the device I couldn't really complain about the Marketplace as it had all the apps that I used on my iPhone (yes, you heard that right, I switched to WP from and iPhone), and other apps were also available but under a different name. 

Overall, I'd strongly recommend that you get the Lumia 900 if you're going to buy a new smartphone. It's the smoothest OS I've ever used.

Display 4/5
Battery Life 4/5
Apps & Media Support 3/5
Reception & Call Quality 5/5
Design/Form Factor 5/5

Overall 4.2

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