T-Mobile President's Day loyalty promotion details leak

Do you consider yourself a loyal T-Mobile customer? If the folks at Magenta feel that you are, you could be given the opportunity to pick up a shiny new smartphone for free this weekend. Some information has been leaked to our pals at TmoNews concerning a special President's Day loyalty offer that's taking place this weekend. According to the leaked documents, select Classic/legacy contract customers will be called between today and Friday (some will also receive a mailer) inviting them to come into their local store this weekend for a free handset. Lists of eligible customers will also be sent to stores. Exactly how customers are chosen for this offer is unknown, but TmoNews notes that around 440,000 customers are expected to receive a mailer notifying them of the deal.

Once in the store, customers will be able to select a phone and pay nothing for the device after agreeing to a two-year contract and signing up for a qualifying data plan, which is 2GB for most smartphones and 5GB for the Amaze 4G and Galaxy S II. It's worth noting that, like some of T-Mobile's previous promotions, customers will actually pay for the device in-store. They'll then send in a mail-in rebate in order to be reimbursed for the payment.

Overall this sounds like a decent deal for customers that T-Mobile deems are eligible for it. It seems kind of strange to see a deal like this coming so soon after T-Mo's Valentine's Day offer, but we're not ones to complain about getting another chance at a free handset, especially since one of the leaked documents mentions that customers will have the chance to upgrade up to four months sooner than usual. We'll keep an eye out for more details on this President's Day promo and pass along anything we find. Until then, if any of you T-Mobile folk learn that you're eligible for the deal, be sure to let us know in the comments below.

Via TmoNews

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