LG shares Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade schedule, first updates coming in Q2 2012

Just a hair under a month after LG began to detail some of its Ice Cream Sandwich update plans, today the company has added more handsets to its Android 4.0 upgrade list and also given a timeline on when it expects the updates to begin arriving. LG has said over on its official Facebook page that its ICS updates will begin in the second quarter of 2012 with more upgrades for other devices coming in the third quarter, although the company added that the exact dates will vary by market due to different requirements, carriers and smartphone models. The products that LG says will begin to see ICS in Q2 are:

And the phones that are expected to get an update in Q3:

That's a fairly sizable pack of devices that'll be bumped up to Ice Cream Sandwich, and it's good to see LG commit to updates for all of these products, though it looks like owners of several of those products will be waiting a while before an ICS upgrade actually arrives. Unfortunately, there's not much in the way of U.S carrier-branded hardware on the list. There's no telling when we might hear more on the U.S. variants of these devices (as well as LG's other American handsets) and when they may get a taste of ICS, but we'll continue to keep an eye out for news from LG and let you know when we hear more.

Via The Verge, LG Facebook

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