AT&T working with Apple to include "4G" in iPhone 4S status bar [UPDATED]

Well, this is interesting. When Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S earlier this week, it touted several of the device's new features like the A5 processor and 8-megapixel camera. Apple also took the time to mention a new feature that's specific to AT&T's version of the iPhone 4S, which is 14.4Mbps HSPA+, a bump from the 7.2Mbps max speed of previous 3G iPhones. Normally AT&T would brand a 14.4Mbps device as being "4G," but as you've probably noticed by now, we're not referring to AT&T's new iPhone as the "iPhone 4GS." That doesn't mean that AT&T isn't trying its darndest to get its 4G branding *somewhere* on Apple's new smartphone, though, as an image sent to This is my next shows that AT&T is "working with" Apple to get its iPhone 4S network indicator to read "4G." AT&T goes on to say that such a change would occur in an iOS update.

Since the original iPhone debuted back in 2007, Apple has taken a fairly strong stand against allowing carriers to customize its smartphone in anyway, not allowing any kind of carrier branding on the outside of the device or preinstalled apps. That's why it'd be kind of strange to see Apple include a "4G" indicator in an iOS update just for AT&T's iPhone 4S. Of course, whether or not Apple is genuinely considering include the 4G indicator remains to be seen, but we'll be sure to pass along more as we get it.

UPDATE: AT&T has chimed in to confirm that, yes, it and Apple are "working together" to get a 4G indicator on the iPhone 4S. Whether or not the indicator is implemented, though, AT&T pointed out that 4S owners will see "4G speeds" on day one.

Via This is my next

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