Microsoft pushing out another Windows Phone 7 update in February?

There's already a major update planned for Windows Phone 7 in January that will bring cut/paste support and several other rumored features.  Microsoft won't be relaxing in their armchairs after pushing out the January update, so say the people at WinRumors, as there is another important upgrade coming in February.  They say that Steve Ballmer will be heading up the keynote speech at Mobile World Congress 2011, which he'll use to unveil the update.  So just what'll be included Major Windows Phone 7 Update: Part Deux?  New options for customization for the end user and a bunch of new APIs for devs that will allow better multitasking and other improvements.

While this news is most certainly still a rumor at this point, hence the whole "rumor" part of the original site's name, but I wouldn't be shocked if we do see another Windows Phone 7 update in February.  I'm sure that there are a number of things that Microsoft wants to address with the OS now that it's finally out in the wild and seeing plenty of use.  Rather than bombard us with updates week in and week out, Microsoft can send out one big update per month, let things get tested and make sure everything runs smoothly, then push out another update the next month.  Sounds like a good plan to me.  So now that we know what Microsoft will (possibly) be including in the next couple of WP7 updates, is there anything else that you think the OS needs that hasn't already been addressed?

Via Engadget, WinRumors

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