Poll: iPhone 4 on AT&T, or iPhone 3GS on T-Mobile?

Another day, another "iPhone is coming to (insert network here)" rumor.

In a story that circulated yesterday afternoon, Chris Anderson, Editor-in-Chief of Wired, said that a T-Mobile manager mentioned that the iPhone 3GS would be coming to the carrier later in the year.  Given the combination of how often these rumors circulate and the actual source of the rumor ("T-Mobile manager," which I assume means a retail store manager), I wouldn't bet the farm on it.  Still, it's an interesting proposition; high-end unit on AT&T, and last-generation unit on T-Mobile.  So it becomes a battle of device type versus network preference.

Would you rather have an iPhone 4 on AT&T, or an iPhone 3GS on T-Mobile?  Vote and let me know!

(Image via PocketNow)

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