Text translation comes to Google Goggles

Until today, I've never really worked with Google Goggles.  I've used it to analyze a mug or barcode here and there, but that's the extent of my exposure to it.  When you get down to it, it's a pretty cool application - and as of today, Google Goggles 1.1 can translate text.  It's not a foolproof system just yet, but according to the announcement, Goggles can now understand English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish text.  From there, it can translate to "many more languages."  Additional changes include improved barcode recognition, a larger database of artwork, and improved recognition of products and logos.

Unfortunately, my search using the (typed) text string "Great Googly Moogly, Google Goggles is teh awesome!" rendered no results.  Ah well.  Maybe in a future update.  If you're running Android 1.6 or higher, head on over to the Market and get your download on.

Via Official Google Mobile Blog

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