New York Minute: Postabon in the Spring

New York Minute 6

Spring in the city. The vestibules come down, the jackets come off, and the pigeons hump on my windowsill. It's a fantastic time of year to live here not only because the weather starts to rock again, but many streets turn into sprawling fairs and flea markets that last until late autumn. People spend as much time outdoors as possible. The sidewalk cafes are bustling with boozy brunchers, the Ultimate Frisbee hippies bro down in Central Park and we bid adieu to the skating rink stragglers. I can almost smell the BBQ. Get the picture? After a long winter jam packed with snowy blizzards and knee-deep slush puddles, New Yorkers are so ready for spring. We've even been known to break out the ironic T-shirts as soon as the thermostat hits 50. It's a great place to people-watch especially in SoHo as the hipsters are out in droves shopping for the hottest skinny jeans and V-necks. 

Personally, I detest shopping. Surprising because I'm a chick, but I just don't enjoy it very much. Having new things feels awesome but I prefer Christmas or birthdays when people buy me stuff and I don't have to spend an browsing hour in a store and end up buying a headband. I go shopping when I need something and beeline straight for that product. In, out, over. I had a Co-Ed Naked Tennis shirt in high school that proudly displayed that exact phrase. Classy! I think that reference not only dated me, but also said something revealing about my fashion sense. I desperately need a wardrobe update (my boyfriend is nodding enthusiastically) but I'm perfectly content in my overalls. Just KIDDING, I would never! It's no secret that New York City is the fashion capital of the world, so it's understandable that many of my friends are raging shopoholics. I'll listen to endless banter on Louboutins but I've also seen girls who walk like velociraptors in their towering 6-inch heels. Hilarious. During lunch the other day, my high-style friend was tap-tap-tapping on her iPhone and looked at me incredulously when I said I hadn't heard of the Postabon app. After downloading it, I discovered that Postabon is a location-based service that posts real time local shopping deals. It is mostly user-run and once the app figures out where you are, it points you in the direction of sweet deals nearby, including passwords for discounts and sample sales. The app is far from perfect though. Many of the deals have expired and you have to sift through them to find one that are still valid. They have the right idea though. New Yorkers love shopping and especially love being in the know. If they tweak this app and keep an eye on the expiration dates, it could prove very useful even for the likes of me. 

New York Minute 7

Remember when I dropped my phone face down on cement and shattered the screen? That was fun. Well, I bought a stylish case from Speck to make sure this didn't happen again but now I think it may not have been only the screen that I broke. The phone freezes randomly now and it's really cramping my style. I can't figure out if it's the new screen that freezes or if it's the phone itself. I also recently downloaded about 60 new apps and this being the first generation iPhone, I am not sure if it can handle the load. The phone wakes up when I press the home button but 1 out of 3 times I won't be able to slide and unlock the phone at that point. I have to wait for it to fall asleep, then try it again. The screen will also freeze while loading apps and worst of all, in the middle of games. I totally had that zombie! ARG! I have been told that I should "re-flash the software" or basically, reinstall the operating system. If anyone has insight on what to do in this predicament, I will be your BFF. 

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