Better iPad: Notion Ink Adam Tablet details sound nice

Notion Ink's Adam tablet computer is probably the most interesting product on my "when's it gonna launch?" radar. Though I'm currently more excited about iPad just because it actually has a price and ship date, Adam brings all kinds of specs, tech, and potential to the table with its Android-driven, dual-mode display technology.

If you're not yet familiar with Adam, check out my post-CES writeup on it.

Notion Ink CEO Rohan Shravan had a chat with SlashGear the other day and told them all kinds of awesome-sounding new things about Adam that make me excited and give plenty of fuel for iPad-haters fires all at the same time:

- Adam will have at least double the battery life of iPad, thanks to its NVIDIA Tegra chipset and Pixel Qi screen, which can switch between full-color LCD and low-power e-Ink depending on what the user is doing.

- Adam will rock Flash - hopefully from the get go.

- Adam will be able to output 1080p video (via HDMI, I presume), versus iPad's 480p/576p limit.

Shravan also apparently knows that specs aren't everything and content is still king in many parts of the land. So his company is setting up a $1 Million competition to encourage developers to write apps for the new Adam platform.

For the record, the "Better iPad" part of the title of this post is half serious, half questioning, and half sarcastic (yeah, I know, that's three halves). On paper, Adam sounds awesome. On paper, iPad sounds to many like an underpowered gimmick. But if there's one thing covering consumer tech for a bunch of years has taught me, it's that "on paper" is meaningless. The proof is in the pudding, or in this case, in the review loaner. I can't wait for Adam to actually launch so I can actually try it out and actually tell you if it's actually any good or not. Same for iPad. And oh yeah, that JooJoo thingy. And all the more so once developers and content providers start 

But on paper? 1080p + Flash + dual-mode display technology = Pretty cool.

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