Tide app comes to iPhone, helps with Thanksgiving gravy stains

It happened to me this weekend.  Having not eaten all day, I was quite hungry when we sat down to our Thanksgiving feast.  As I was quickly throwing food into my mouth, a piece of gravy-soaked turkey slipped off of the fork and hit my shirt.  Though I quickly retrieved the rogue piece of meat, my shirt never recovered, despite a valiant attempt to clean it off on my part.

Given the food-centric nature of this holiday weekend, the "Tide Stain Brain" app for iPhone couldn't come at a better time.  Featuring instructions to remove stains while at home or out and about, the app also offers the ability to collaborate with other users.  Many minds are better than one, right?  The app is free, and can be found in the App Store.

Via: IntoMobile

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