A truckload of Android news

Am I ever glad we're getting an Android sub-site together. There's just no other way to properly deal with days like today, when there's enough juicy dirt to cover the front page if each item were posted individually. Not to mention to the bits I've been sitting on while doing what I need to in preparation for DroidDog. Sorry about that.

What have I been doing to prepare? You know, meditating, sleeping on a wooden board, and sitting before a wall of televisions that deliver an endless stream of martial arts films while I rock back and forth in a semi-catatonic state. I'm told it's pretty standard stuff for a site launch. Anyway, back to the 'Droid, but where to begin? Well considering the buzz storm that is Hero, I think that's an appropriate eddy to dive into. Grab your reading glasses.

I'm not sure what to think of this story. As much as I want it to be true, it just feels fishy to me. 080.net leaked the following pictures, referring to the depicted device as the Hero200. The fishy bit is that it's supposedly Sprint's customized version of Hero. Could this be the "distinct US version" Eric Lin spoke about at the Hero launch? Maybe so, but I thought I had it figured out when I said the new color selection was the big surprize. Which looks more likely to you?

As I said somewhere else (hint, hint) the phone does feature - and push - all of the right buttons, so perhaps my skepticism is excessive. I love the gold trim but miss the chin. Yes, I like the chin. (cont.)

On to Samsung. O2 is currently selling the GT-i7500 - known as Galaxy - in their online store for about $400 USD outright, but It's available for "free" to those willing to add about $65 US to their monthly plan to cover the cost. I'm not sure how long that agreement lasts, but I hope T-Mo gets something worked out before selling the device in the States. That's a little rich for my blood.

Wait a tic, it looks like the issue may have been resolved before it even effected me or my wallet. IntoMobile reported about a week ago the clearing of a GTi5700 by the FCC. This GSM handset (possibly pictured below) is what bloggers around the world are calling the Galaxy Lite. I really want the white, pro version though. You may disagree, but I think that thing is sexy. (cont.)

One device's sexual attraction is not a topic of debate. The ODROID (oh, come on. Is that really the name?) gaming device packs, as Will Park points out, a processor and display to rival the iPhone's. That should scratch an itch or two. It's got 720p-capable HDMI out as well. No telephony here, but I am stoked to see a hand-held gaming device running Android. Let's just hope that Rubick's Cube isn't the flagship title at launch time. Now I just feel mean. (cont.)

As long as I'm talking about unnatural attraction to electronics, I should bring up the Verizon leak posted at Android Guys today that indicates VZW will be launching a Goole Experience HTC device called Desire. We don't know anything else about the ADR6200, but a new name is a good thing. (cont.)

O.K., time to wrap this one up, even though I could go on. That is a good sampling of what's been going on in Droidland, and I know some other PhoneDogs are working on posts to cover what I've missed. Adriana just announced the Android Network Awards, so be sure to check that out. It's been a crazy week, but I mean that in the best way possible.

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