Love it, Hate it: Windows Mobile


Other articles in the "Love It, Hate It" series:

I was reading Game Informer magazine the
other day, and the Letter from the Editor was basically a shout-out to
everyone who's ever accused him of favoring one platform over another
over the years.  He did this by running through a list of what he likes
and dislikes about every major gaming platform currently on the market.

with accusations of bias is a sad, annoying truth when you make a
living reviewing *anything* for a living.  While I'd be the first to
tell you that I have my personal preferences when it comes to mobile
devices and applications, I also do my very best to remain as objective
as possible - and to view products from multiple perspectives - when
reviewing a phone, accessory, or service.

That said, I'm
stealing that gaming editor's idea here by offering a run-down of what
I love and hate about the major smartphone platforms we've been
spending so much time covering this Summer at PhoneDog.  Take it for
what you will, but I'm tellin' ya, there are things I love and hate
about every device out there, and I really mean it when I say that just
because I like a particular phone doesn't mean you will, or should, as

Now if only I could get YouTube commenters to stop yelling at each other (and me) for a minute and come read my blog ...

Windows Mobile

  • I love that Windows Mobile provides a single platform supported by many, many device manufacturers across countless form factors and feature sets.
  • I hate that using Windows Mobile is like going to the dentist.  I don't like going to the dentist.

  • I love that Windows Mobile users have access to thousands of apps and can sync their smartphones with their home and work PCs and networks.
  • I hate that syncing a WinMo device with a computer running anything besides Windows requires jumping through hoops and/or purchasing a third-party app like Missing Sync.

  • I love that Windows Mobile 6.5 and 7 are finally on their way, and that 6.5 will feature a refreshed user interface and - hopefully - more Zune-like features.
  • I hate that I still have to use WinMo 6.1  It's old and it's just about the opposite of finger-friendly.  And WM 7?  June 2010 is a long way away.

  • I love the work that HTC - and, to a lesser extent, LG, Samsung, and others - have been doing to customize Windows Mobile.  TouchFlo 3D provides the best of both worlds with a finger-friendly UI and widget system running atop the proven power of Windows Mobile 6.1
  • I hate that using something as nice as TouchFlo 3D means that when I do have to delve into the WinMo UI - to send an Email, for instance - the pain of WM's ancient interface is that much more intense.

  • I love that I have a choice when it comes to what kind of Windows Mobile device I want to use.  There are candybars, sliders, dual-sliders, touchscreen-based phones, thin QWERTYs with trackballs, and more.
  • I hate the fact that inherent limiations in the OS mean that WinMo devices can't take full advantage of high-resolution displays like the kind powering Apple iPhone, HTC Hero, and Palm Pre - and their finger-friendly flicks, scrolls, and swipes.

  • I love that I can install Opera or Skyfire on my Windows Mobile device for a tricked-out mobile browsing experience.
  • I hate that WinMo's own browser is so lousy that I have to install a third-party app before I can do anything useful or pleasant on the Web.

How about you?  What do you love and hate about Windows Mobile?

You fill up the comments and in the meantime, I think I'll pick another platform and do this all over again ... 

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