The Prefather: Jon Rubinstein, man of the people

As Aaron reported yesterday, Jon "Prefather" Rubinstein has been promoted to CEO of Palm, Inc. (effective tomorrow) after revitalizing the company - at least for a few months now - with the carefully orchestrated hype, buzz-build, and launch of the Palm Pre.  For the beneift of those of you who are tired of all this Pre coverage, I'll leave you with the following two photos and this link to one of the many stories describing el Steveo as, well, not quite a man of the people.  I've never met Steve so I can't comment.  But I've yet to read anyone describe Rubinstein as "such a jerk that he wasn't worth the trouble."

With that I give you Jon Rubinstein, "Prefather" (that is, Father of the Pre), newly minted Palm CEO, and, apparently, Man of the People.  Thanks, Caroline, for the pics!

Rubinstein outside of a Sprint store in downtown San Francisco on Pre launch day.  That one girl maybe looks scared of him, but nobody else does.

Rubenstein (center) with Caroline from Sprint (left) and Paul Scott the Happy Pre Owner (right). Note the very un-Jobs collared shirt Jon's sporting.

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