2 New Bluetooth headsets from SoundID

You might remember SoundID from last year's CTIA coverage, it's the company that focuses more on improving audio quality than simply adding features. This year the company announced two new Bluethooth headsets: the Sound ID 200 and the Sound ID 300.

Sound ID 200: This Bluetooth headset is all about reducing background noise through NoiseNavigation technology, making this a good option for people who tend to talk on a cell phone in noisy environments. There's also automatic volume control for seamless volume adjustment to fit the environment where you're using the headset.

Sound ID 300: This Bluetooth Headset is filled with technology that helps you set it to your own preferences. This model comes with NoiseNavigation and PersonalSound technology, which helps eliminate background noise and choose from three listening modes for better clarity without actually having to increase the volume. This lightweight (0.28 ounces) headset comes in black and sports a universal micro USB charger. You'll be able to find this headset in a couple of weeks at AT&T for about $100.

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