Subscribe: PhoneDog TV now on iTunes

Maybe you love watching videos on your iPhone or iPod.  Maybe you hate YouTube.  Maybe you like subscriptions.  Or maybe you just like being in the know.  Whatever the case, read on ...

All of our new PhoneDog and GadgetDog videos will now be available as free video podcast on the Apple iTunes Store.  We're all about getting our reviews, news, DogFights, and other stuff out to you in as many ways as possible - you know, to make it easier for you to stay on top of what the PhoneDogs are up to.  So you can now catch our videos on iTunes as well as on YouTube and other video portals around the Web.

iTunes makes it super easy.  Just subscribe to the "PhoneDog TV" video podcast and you'll get every new video as soon as we upload 'em.  Phone reviews, DogFights, trade show and new product coverage, and now GadgetDog videos, too.  For now we're keeping everything under one podcast feed to keep it easy - each video shows up as a new episode so you can watch 'em all or pick and choose the titles you're most interested in.

So subscribe, watch, and tell your friends!  Click here to find PhoneDog TV on the iTunes Store.

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